Tax Preparation Checklist Visit MyFreeTaxes HERE. Use this list to help you get organized to file your taxes — either online or in person. Note: If you’re getting
Tax Preparation Checklist Visit MyFreeTaxes HERE. Use this list to help you get organized to file your taxes — either online or in person. Note: If you’re getting
Raising $25,000+ to help Erskine Fire residents is beyond great.
The CalEITC4Me Bus Tour comes to Bakersfield: Noon – 5:00 pm Sunday in the UWKC parking lot, 5405 Stockdale Highway (and New Stine). Appointments: 834-1820. Get there
‘For thousands throughout Kern County, gaining access to the right resources during tax season is essential to receiving a full tax refund. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
California United Ways want to help you and your family build assets and be financially stable. Avoid the wait and prepare your own taxes for free. Start
The 26th Annual Professional Development Conference for Nonprofits March 8th, 2016 Keynote speaker: Matthew Emerzian of Every Monday Matters
A Chocolate Affair Contact Della Hodson or Casey Knaak about sponsorship opportunities.
Della Hodson, president and CEO of United Way of Central Eastern California, appeared on KGET live in studio to talk more about the California Human Development Report.
Great news: United Way continues to top the annual Forbes list of the largest U.S. charities, and, in a new category created this year by Forbes, United