Central Valley United Ways Gifted $6.6 Million to Support COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Programs

Home / Central Valley United Ways Gifted $6.6 Million to Support COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Programs

BAKERSFIELD, CA (May 13, 2020) ― United Way of Central Eastern California received a $1.3 Million gift from an anonymous generous donor as part of a $6.6 million gift earmarked for United Way chapters in the Central Valley.

United Way chapters across Central California are receiving a timely gift from a generous donor who wishes to remain anonymous. The $6.6 million donation earmarked for United Way chapters in the Central Valley will be allocated between organizations representing the counties of San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Fresno and Madera, Tulare, Kings, and Kern. The gift is part of a larger $15 million-dollar investment meant for multiple California-based United Ways, a network which includes 30 individual chapters as well as one statewide organization.
Local United Ways will work in partnership with the communities they serve to determine how to best use their portion of the anonymous donation.

United Way of Central Eastern California (UWKC) funds are specifically intended to assist non-profits doing relief work and provide immediate relief to vulnerable residents who have been financially affected by the pandemic.

Businesses, organizations and community leaders are encouraged to make contributions to help assist with the projects that United Way of Central Eastern California is developing with current funds. For donations to UWKC Relief Fund, you can do so by visiting helpkern.org

“This is a difficult time to live in, our communities are struggling to get ahead and we have to step up and do what’s right.  Our families need food and financial assistance more than ever.  This is a generous gift and we are grateful for it, but it’s definitely not enough to cover the essentials.  We invite our community partners and businesses to contribute to this cause and collaborate with our projects to ensure our vulnerable communities get assisted” says Mari Perez-Dowling, President & CEO of UWKC.



UNITED WAY OF KERN COUNTY leads a movement to improve community conditions in education, health, and financial stability.  We deliver programs and services to enhance the lives of Kern County residents.  We bring donors, volunteers, advocates, and other stakeholders together to build powerful and sustainable coalitions and partnerships.  United Way of Central Eastern California’s focus is to improve Education, Health and Financial Stability in Kern County by: Enabling everyone to give and invest the funds where they are needed the most; Organize people and advocate to change systems on behalf of those whose voice may not otherwise be heard; Empower everyone to volunteer and maximize their impact on the lives of others.

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