United Way of Central Eastern California selected as 2022 Non-Profit of the Year

Home / United Way of Central Eastern California selected as 2022 Non-Profit of the Year

A message from Assembly Member, Rudy Salas’s office

It is my pleasure to inform you that Assembly member Rudy Salas selected your non-profit organization, United Way of Central Eastern California as the 2022 Nonprofit of the Year for Assembly District 32.

This is the seventh year of the California Nonprofit of the Year initiative, and with nonprofits doing more than ever to help their communities get through the COVID-19 crisis, your work should rightfully be celebrated!

As guests at this year’s A Chocolate Affair, our office was blown away by the community support that envelops United Way. You are truly an outstanding and exemplary organization. Assembly member Rudy Salas and staff is happy to jump on any opportunity to volunteer and partner with your organization. On behalf of Rudy, thank you for all you do to promote early childhood literacy and education, healthy families, financial resources and sustainability for our Central Valley constituents.

As the voice for California’s nonprofit community, the California Association of Nonprofits (CalNonprofits) is our partner in celebrating 2022’s Nonprofits of the Year.  CalNonprofits will follow up with more information to help you make the most of this honor.

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