SingleCare Discount Card

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SingleCare Drug Prescription Discount Card

United Way of Central Eastern California partners with SingleCare (formerly FamilyWize) to provide community members with access to affordable prescription medications, ensuring greater health and financial stability. Through their prescription savings card, SingleCare works to make prescription medications more affordable for all families, so that no one ever has to make the hard choice between the meds they need, and other basics like food or rent. SingleCare cards can reduce prescription drug costs by an average of 35%

The SingleCare Prescription Savings Card:

  • Is free for everyone – it’s like a coupon that you can use as often as you want.
  • Reduces cost – just show the card every time to get the lowest prices, whether it be SingleCare, insurance or retail price.
  • Is easy to use with no registration or eligibility requirements.
  • Covers FDA approved prescription medications.
  • Saves an average of 45% on prescriptions.
  • Accepted at major chain pharmacies nationwide

How It Works

SingleCare negotiates fair drug prices directly with major pharmacies like CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens. We pass the savings on to our members, free of charge. To start saving with SingleCare, a member just needs to show the savings card to their pharmacist every time they fill a prescription at a participating pharmacy. The discount will be automatically applied at checkout.

Members can use their cards as often as they want. Cards do not expire. Cards may also be used for family members’ prescriptions and shared with friends.

How to Get a Card


United Way of Central Eastern California, in partnership with SingleCare Community Service Partnership and pharmacies throughout the country, can help.
