
Home / Advocate

Advancing the Common Good Through Public Policy

Our Strategies

  • Advocacy
  • Delivery of Programs
  • Investing in agency-run programs
  • Leading and participating in partnerships and coalitions
  • Mobilizing volunteers

You can make change happen with your voice. Get informed. Tell your friends. Write a letter to the editor. Anyone can champion a cause. You can help inspire hope and create opportunities for a better tomorrow. So go ahead advocate in a LIVE UNITED world. Do it in public. Be visible. Make some noise.

United Way of Central Eastern California Champions

United Way of Central Eastern California provides funding to sustain and grow 2-1-1 through its partnership with Community Action Partnership of Kern. One of the goals is to ensure all Kern County residents have easy access to information about health, human services and opportunities to become engaged in their communities.

Children's Health Coverage

United Way of Central Eastern California focuses on improving people’s health by advocating to increase Children’s Health Coverage.  All Californians benefit when our children have health insurance and receive preventive care. it is not only good for our kids, but it helps costs down for all of us.

SingleCare Prescription Drug Discount Card Program

We distribute Prescription Discount Cards that provide up to 40% discounts to those who have no medical insurance or high prescription costs.

Preventing Hunger and Homelessness

United Way of Central Eastern California grant-making and staff support programs addressing the need to reduce homelessness and hunger so all Kern County residents have access to an adequate quantity of quality food.

How United Way of Central Eastern California Advocates

United Way of Central Eastern California is non-partisan in its advocacy and knows that systemic change requires partnership among non-profit organizations, government, business, labor, faith-based groups, and community members.

Working in partnership, United Way of Central Eastern California takes the following approach in using public policy advocacy to advance the common good:

  • Educate community members on the policy issues
  • Connect advocates with elected officials and media outlets to champion causes
  • Engage policymakers in solutions that meet community needs
  • Find your representative HERE